Are You Trying to Be Strong After Abortion?

Be Strong

When things start to crumble in your life, do you consider yourself to be a “strong woman”?  Able to handle even the most difficult circumstances and claw your way back to the top?  Many strong women may say “yes” to that question until something really life changing and unimaginable comes their way. Something that may feel too much for one person to deal with alone. Something like the emotional pain caused by abortion.

As one Restore client said,

“It was something I wasn’t use to doing–calling to ask for support. I am a strong woman; shouldn’t I be able to handle this (abortion recovery) on my own? But with each day that passed I realized that there was lingering pain under the surface. I took a chance and called Restore. I wanted to hear from other women who had gone through what I had, I wanted to know that I wasn’t alone.”

When it is too difficult to navigate post abortion healing yourself, consider reaching out to Restore After Abortion, a place for deeper healing. There must be more to life. You are strong enough. You can do this. It might be scary to open up this emotional wound, but it will be worth it. Call or text Restore at  630-599-0043 for your next steps. Online scheduling is available at